HobbyKing Finnair DC-3 Airliner EPO (OH-LCE)HobbyKing? EPO? El?En och annan lär väl reagera... Micke som alltid klagar på HobbyKing och inte gillar deras grejer.
Och inte gillar han EPO-flyg heller. Eller elflyg för den delen... och så går han och skaffar exakt just det.
Han är jag.
Varför?Jag kunde inte låta bli. Något inom RC-världen som fångar mitt tycke är just miniatyrkopior av flyg
mm som liknar något som funnits eller finns på Åland. Om man ser på callsign på denna DC-3 så är
det en bokstav fel, men det fixar jag. Jag tänker göra en kopia på den DC-3 som förolyckades på
Åland för många år sedan. Men, jag har ju redan en DC-3 som samma mål. Jo... men det är en
större byggsats och denna är bra att öva med, både flyga och få till detaljer och sånt tänk.
Mer om det bygget finns här:
viewtopic.php?f=61&t=12946Skala?Jag kan bygga ihop detta flyg på kort tid och flyga det. Men jag vill ju även att detta flyg ska
se bra ut så det lär nog bli en del finputs, målas lite osv. Dessutom så är det trots allt HobbyKing
så det lär finnas en del att fixa.
Har sett många filmer på den, många flyger den som raket,
men flera flyger den som skalaflyg och det verkar nog vara helt OK hastighet ändå, om än
ej skalahastighet.
ElektronikenDet är en del elektronik i flyget.
- 2 motorer
- 2 ESCs
- 2 skevservon
- 4 flapsservon
- 1 höjdservo
- 1 sidoservo för roder och sporrhjul
- 1 ljusmodul + en bunt LEDs lite här och där (ej kollat desto närmare)
- 1 5A BEC
- 2 elektriska landställ
Och sen tillkommer- Mottagare
- LiPo (tror det var 4S 4000)
- MiniAPM + GPS/Compass mm för stabilisering
SpecifikationerMaterial: EPO
Vingspann: 1600 mm
Längd: 1103 mm
Vikt: 1700 g
Servon: 6 st 9g + 2 st 25g
ESCs: 20A
Motorer: 2x 2215 960KV Outrunners
Ack: 4S 3300-4000mAh
Köpt från HobbyKing:
http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/stor ... _PNF_.htmlSaxat från HobbyKing:The Douglas DC-3 revolutionized air transport in the 1930s and 1940s. Its lasting effect on the airline industry and World War II makes it one of the most significant transport aircraft ever made. It started as a request from TWA airlines to Douglas in response to the Boeing 247 being unavailable for purchase. “DC” being derived from Douglas Commercial became the model prefix, starting with the DC-1 in 1933, with the DC-3 arriving to commercial service in 1936.
Over 16,000 DC-3's were built, the bulk of them as C-47 military versions but also included license built models in both Japan and Russia. With the market flooded with military surplus versions, they became quite popular for use by small time airlines, cargo services, sky diving duty, and more. They have been extensively used as fire fighting aircraft, being heavily modified by companies like Basler Aviation to include drop systems, and more powerful Pratt & Whitney PT-6A turbo prop engines. There are still large numbers of DC-3's in use even to this day.
Our model of the DC-3 arrives as a fully molded EPO foam airframe, in all bolt together, plug and fly format. As a sport scale model it is a remarkably accurate representation. Since everyone likes options, we have included 2 sets of decals in the box, Empire Airlines and Finnair. As the DC-3 was so widely used, feel free to model it after your favorite scheme. Empire Airlines, a passenger service that operated DC-3's and flew between Tri-Cities Washington, Boise and Coeur D'Alene Idaho in the late 1940s with the other set being Finnair, the which is one of the worlds oldest passenger services based in Helsinki, Finland, having adopted the DC-3 for use in 1947.
The DC-3 has a host of features including working retracts, LED wingtip and landing lights, as well as a large removable battery hatch and working flaps. Making take off much easier, we have included counter-rotating propellers. To handle the load of all those servos, lights, plus retracts, we've included an external BEC unit wired into the ESC wire harness.
Flying the DC-3 is a treat. Large tail surfaces, a light wing loading, plenty of power, and ample washout all combine to make a docile handling airplane. Fly slow, fly fast, this thing looks great from all angles at any speed. If civilian colors are not your speed, we offer it in a green C-47 military version that has three decal sets included. Really when you think about it, we've made a complete package. Scale looks, excellent handling, color AND decal options, all at a price that is quite affordable. You're probably thinking “but I'm not into scale models” honestly, with what we offer you, you'll want to be into scale models after seeing the HobbyKing DC-3.
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