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 Post subject: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Sat 01 Dec 2012, 11:10 
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David Cundall har i sexton år letat efter ett gäng mytomspunna Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
Nu har han äntligen fått napp – minst ett dussin av dem har hittats nedgrävda.

– Det här kommer bli den största antalet Spitfires i världen, säger han.
Flygplansentusiasten och bonden David Cundall, 62, har i sexton år letat efter ett gäng Spitfire-plan som ska ha gömts undan i Burmas djungel under andra världskriget. Spitfire-modellen togs i bruk 1938, och spelade en stor roll i de luftslag mellan tyskar och engelsmän som utkämpades över Storbritannien.

Började sökandet 1996
I dagsläget finns det bara runt 35 av dem i fungerande skick i världen – men nu verkar det som om antalet kan öka med minst ett dussin exemplar, rapporterar Daily Mail.
Sökandet efter flygplanen började 1996 efter att några amerikanska krigsveteraner berättat att ett antal av planen skulle ha grävts ner i djungeln i Burma under krigsslutet. Något Cundall högg på direkt. Bonden har varit på otaliga expeditioner till landet sedan dess. Han har även spenderat en bit över en miljon kronor av sina egna pengar för att kunna följa upp ett tipset, och nyligen fick han också napp. Cundells och hans expedition leddes till platsen av ögonvittnen, och kunde där lokalisera flygplanen med en kamera.

Ska restaureras
– Förhoppningsvis kommer de kunna tas tillbaka till Storbritannien, och flyga på flygplansuppvisningar, sa han tidigare i år till The Daily Telegraph – efter att Burma lyft den regel som gjorde det omöjligt att flytta militärt material ut från landet. Han ska redan ha fått förslag från brittiska företag som vill restaurera flygplanen, och Cundell är optimistisk.
– Det borde ta två eller tre år att restaurera dem, säger han och menar att de sedan kommer vara helt funktionsdugliga.
Minst 36 – men även upp till 60 – av Spitfire-planen sägs finnas på plats kvar i Burma.
– Det här kommer bli den största antalet Spitfires i världen. Vi vill låta människor se dessa historiska stridsflyg, säger Cundell.

One of the Spitfires (pictured: the tail fins) being crated up in Burma in 1945 ready to be buried

Read more: ... z2Dn2VXSo2
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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 19 Feb 2013, 21:07 
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Nån som sett nåt mer om detta?

Finns ju lite gamla flyg här o där på Åland också, men de flesta ligger på sjöbotten, vissa rätt så hela, andra inte så hela alls... fick höra en lista förut av en flyghistoriker här på Åland. Rätt fräna flyg, även stora. Undras om dykare känner till dem...

 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb 2013, 14:27 
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David Cundall said he is confident of enough funding to continue his search despite the withdrawal of the Belarusian video gaming company

The company said last Friday it believes the planes do not really exist and descriptions of their burial by Allied forces as the war drew to a close nearly 70 years ago are a myth.

No traces of any were found in digging that began in December, but Mr Cundall said they are waiting for a specialised company from Europe to use ground-penetrating radar that will show the shape and depth of buried objects. ... onsor.html

Så är det bara en myt eller ...........

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb 2013, 14:49 
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Spitfire search descends into farce: British dig team divided as they draw a blank in quest for lost fighters in Burma

Read more: ... z2LRWZkJmH


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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Wed 20 Feb 2013, 19:45 
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"och kunde där lokalisera flygplanen med en kamera" <--- bilder i så fall!?

 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 22:35 
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After just over a month of digging for lost World War Two Spitfire planes in Burma they have concluded that none exists.

“No Spitfires were delivered in crates and buried at RAF Mingaladon (in Burma) during 1945 and 1946,” a statement from the company funding the search read.

Rather than discovering the iconic World War Two planes, the team uncovered evidence which suggested that it would have been impossible to have buried them.

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 02 Apr 2013, 00:06 
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Burma hunt for Spitfires goes on, insists man behind mission.

David Cundall says he won't give up his search for the iconic aircraft believed buried in Far East
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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Sat 27 Jul 2013, 20:59 
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Thursday, July 04, 2013.

A NORTH Lincolnshire farmer will continue his search for buried Spitfires in Burma – after securing half a million pounds of funding to travel there for a second dig.

David Cundall, of Sandtoft, has spent the past 17 years investigating claims the unused, unassembled Spitfires were packed into crates and buried at Mingaladon Airfield in Burma.

He said: "We have got eight eyewitnesses who all say they saw the boxes being buried.
"Saying it is legend is utter rubbish and goes against all the research we have done.
"I plan to go back and dig at the number two site on the airfield.
"When we surveyed in 2004, we identified a number one and number two site, but in January this year we did not dig on the second site.
"The firm Wargaming has pulled out of the project after funding the dig in January, but I still have backing from JCB.
"I have also secured funding from the UK and USA, including a business in Lincolnshire.
"We'll need £350,000 to go back for the second dig, but I have managed to secure £500,000 overall.
"I am very confident we can find them.
"We tried bore-holing before we left in June, but hit concrete so couldn't continue.
"I have an exclusive contract to excavate the airfield until October 2014, and will look to dig at the number two site once we return to Burma."

Mr Cundall plans to return in December or January.

Search for Burma Spitfire will go on in 2014

Läs mera ... story.html ... 14-4864356

For 16 years, Mr Cundall, a 62-year-old Lincolnshire farmer, has been convinced that dozens of Spitfires were buried in their shipping crates, including 36 at Mingaladon, a former RAF base that is now Rangoon International Airport.


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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 12:36 
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Burma spitfires hunt still on

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 22 Oct 2013, 08:56 
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Broken Wings Is Now On

Nyfiken på mera info om det här så besök

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 22 Oct 2013, 18:47 
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Intressant projekt. Dom är nyfikna på varje kulle i det platta landskapet. =)

 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Wed 30 Oct 2013, 19:01 
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Australian search for buried Spitfires begins

Following the search for a suspected cache of buried Spitfires in Burma – a search which is yet to yield any strong evidence that aircraft were ever stored – a search for hidden RAAF World War II Spitfires has been launched in Melbourne, Australia on 4 October.
Filmmakers and aircraft enthusiasts James Carter and Karl von Moller have been researching the history of the missing planes and are now ready to start the physical search in order to complete their documentary, ‘Broken Wings’. ... rtnum=1681


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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 12:30 
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on December 3, 2013

Global Logistics company Claridon Group Ltd have stepped in to save David Cundall’s project to locate buried Spitfires in Burma. After 16 years of dedicating his life to the project as well as his life savings, David is heading back to Burma to resume excavating and finding the Spitfires.

Due to a lack of sponsorship earlier this year the project looked doomed. After hearing about David’s situation, Claridon, stepped in to provide the funding to allow the project to continue. Claridon who’s HQ are located in Stanford-Le-Hope, Essex also have an office in Burma and are the first privately owned British company to set up there.

Chris Scott, Claridon Group’s MD said ” after meeting David and listening to how he has devoted a large part of his life as well as his life savings trying to find these iconic aircraft which played such a pivotal role in WW2, and seeing his deep rooted passion for preserving part of our history & heritage for generations to come, we just had to get involved. David’s “never give up attitude” along with his incredible drive and devoting his life to the project deserves to be applauded & supported throughout the country. Claridon Group are proud to partner David and provide the funding to enable him and his team to find the Spitfires. We will be supporting David every step of the way and look forward to bringing the Spitfires back home for him.

David Cundall commented ” I am extremely grateful to Claridon for saving the project and providing the funding for the project to continue. Without their support, I wouldn’t be heading back to Burma to finish the work I started all those years ago. Being experts in Global Logistics as well their 20+ years experience in military logistics, the Spitfires could not be in better hands when they are eventually shipped back to the UK ”

David Cundall estimates that restoring the Spitfires back to original will create 400 UK jobs over a 5 year period after which many of the aircraft will find homes in Museums up and down the country. ... burma.html

War History Online Newsletter

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 12:43 
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Published: Jan 09, 2014

Search for Burma Spitfires Resumes

One man's search for allegedly long-lost Supermarine Spitfires in Burma is continuing, thanks to new financial support from Claridon Group Ltd.

English farmer David Cundall garnered worldwide attention in 2012 when he set out on a search for dozens of new-in-the-box Spitfires that he claims have remained buried beneath Burma soil close to Yangon International Airport, a former World War II Royal Air Force base, since the close of the war. Cundall's reports prompted to send a team of archeologists to investigate, but the group pulled its funding last year after no Spitfires were found.

"No one would have been more delighted than our team had we found Spitfires [but] we knew the risks going in, as our team had spent many weeks in the archives and had not found any evidence to support the claim of buried Spitfires," said in a statement after halting the project.

No one would have been more delighted than our team had we found Spitfires [but] we knew the risks going in, as our team had spent many weeks in the archives and had not found any evidence to support the claim of buried Spitfires.
Read more at ... eZsd1XJ.99

Now, Claridon Group has stepped in to assist with Cundall's expedition where it left off.

"Claridon Group are proud to partner David and provide the funding to enable him and his team to find the Spitfires. We will be supporting David every step of the way and look forward to bringing the Spitfires back home to him," the company said.

Cundall has spent the past 16 years of his life attempting to find the Spitfires, and says he will ship them back to the U.K. for restoration if he is successful.

The Spitfire remains one of the most beloved warbirds of all time, with about 35 still flying around the world.

Read more at ... VYZBgJ7.99


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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 13:01 
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Buried Treasure

Witnesses - ... witnesses/

Buried Treasure - ... -treasure/

Welcome to Project Spitfire
An expedition has been funded by Wargaming to recover a cache of WWII aircraft reportedly buried in Myanmar.
On these pages, you will find all the news written by Tracy Spaight, Wargaming’s Director of Special Operations.
Below you can find all the articles published in this section.
Will the hidden Spitfires be found? We hope that you are as keen to find out as we are!

Project Spitfire Blog -

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 04 Feb 2014, 14:00 
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Burma Spitfires - Indication of how they will be Packed in Crates

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb 2014, 15:46 
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4 Feb 2014 19:00
Spitfire hunter's anxious wait to crack on with Burma dig
David Cundall convinced planes are buried in corner of airfield - but fears rivals are trying to get there first.

And Mr Cundall also believes that other “interested parties” are in touch with Burmese officials in an attempt to thwart his efforts and eventually salvage the iconic World War II fighter planes themselves.

But he says he has been told he will eventually get the green light and has pledged to remain there until diggers can begin excavating the site.
“I have been waiting for 48 days now and still no permission“

“I went to Naypyitaw [the capital of Mynamar] last Tuesday and I was told I would get permission to make bore holes and dig.”

The latest piece of evidence suggesting he is at the correct location is a drawing of where eye witnesses testify to seeing or helping to bury up to 12 Spitfires near a railway track in Myitkyina back in 1945. ... es-6671934

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 11 Feb 2014, 14:32 
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WARBIRDS INTO WOKS- The Video. Full Version

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 11 Feb 2014, 19:13 
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Filmen och säger tydligt att det inte finns några begravda spitfire-plan i Yangon.
Bevisen är tydliga och filmen tar udden av myten om dom begravda flygen.
Själv vill man tro att det finns några plan där och tydligen David Cundall också för han är väl där just nu och söker.

Filmen var klart värd att se och man fick en liten inblick i skattjakten men på samma gång tappade man hoppet.
Dom 20 Spitfire-flygplan från andra världskrigets slut fortsätter att vara en myt och kommer säkert att dyka upp flera gånger i historien.

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 Post subject: Re: Spitfire-plan i Burmas djungel.
PostPosted: Tue 11 Feb 2014, 21:31 
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Flyg som tillverkas får ju ett serienummer och de som säljer dem för väl nån sorts logg så de vet vart de såldes, så var är dessa flyg? =)

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