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 Post subject: South Swedish Rally 2013
PostPosted: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 21:21 
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Joined: Sun 16 May 2004, 01:07
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Location: Mariehamn
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South Swedish Rally 2013
Information in English below

Snart är det dags för South Swedish Rally (SSR) som av tradition
anses vara en av de hårdaste sommartävlingarna i rally i Sverige.
Tävlingen, som ingår i SM, har körts sedan 1976 och bland segrarna
kan nämnas Björn Waldegård, Stig Blomqvist, Per Eklund, Mats Jonsson
och Thomas Rådström. Än så länge har bara fyra utländska förare,
däribland Henning Solberg, plockat hem segerbucklan.

2013 års upplaga körs i trakterna kring Tingsryd den 10 till 11 maj
och likt tidigare år kommer vi att ha ett rabatterat pris för utländska ekipage.

Rally Guide 1 publiceras på vår hemsida 1 februari 2013.
Inbjudan publiceras på vår hemsida den 1 mars 2013 och anmälan är
öppen mellan den 11 mars och den 22 april (kl. 18.00).

Varmt välkomna till SSR

Dear Rally friends,
In a few months’ time the 38th South Swedish Rally (SSR) will start in Tingsryd.
The rally is considered as one of the toughest summer rally in Sweden.
SSR is a part of the Swedish Rally Championship and a lot of Swedish famous
rally drivers have won the rally such as Bjorn Waldegard, Stig Blomqvist,
Per Eklund, Mats Jonsson and Thomas Radstrom.
So far have only four none Swedish drives been able to win the rally!
E.g. Henning Solberg and Mads Ostberg.

SSR 2013 will be run in the stranding’s of Tingsryd 10th -11th of May and
foreign drives will have a reduced entry fee.

The supplementary regulations will be published on
1st of March 2013 and the entry closes at 22nd April at 18.00H.

Looking forward to see you in SSR

Please note that the information below have no regulatory power and are only
to be considered as information.
Price and Special offer for foreign drivers is: 50% of the entry fee (2012 was
the entry fee 7.400 SEK).
Recce will probably start on Thursday 9th of May around 09.00.
The Scrutineering will take place late in the afternoon on Thursday 9th of May.
We are right now investigating if it is possible (and I do hope it will be) to have
a Shake Down on Friday 10th of May between 09.00 and 12.00.
Leg 1 start around 15.00 and finish around 21.00 on Friday 10th of May
Leg 2 starts around 08.00 and finish around 17.00 on Saturday 11th of May
The price giving takes place at Saturday evening.

All reservations are made through the Tourist office in Tingsryd.
Opening hours: Weekdays 11.00 – 17.00
Telephone: +46 – (0)477- 441 64

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