Kanske Uploadpic är ett bättre förslag.
MOD Description: UploadPic adds a link to the message-editor, which allows the user to upload a picture (jpg/gif/png) and paste it to the message (standard/align left/align right, align requires the MOD "Left and Right IMG tags") with the correct BBCode ([img], [url] or both).
The uploaded image will be resized (if too big) to the maximum size given by the admin or to a (lower) size entered by the user.
Images can be rotated by 90/180/270 degrees.
Images with a filesize larger than a given limit (after conversion) will be rejected.
The admin can control the uploaded pictures in the ACP and delete images (one by one or all with one click) not used in a message (any more) or in a PM (if its older than a certain period of time).
(this is to prevent users from uploading images to your forum to use them in *another* forum)
Pictures can be used in posts, as an avatar and in signatures.
Unwanted or inapproprate images can be deleted or "censored" (replaced with a standard image).
You can give each user permission to upload images (to secure your webspace), guests can not upload. You can set a minium number of posts that have to be written by a user (with permission) before he can upload.
Users can view all of their pictures in a gallery (and insert them again).
A watermark-function allows the admin to set a watermark-picture to uploaded images (optionally only images exceeding a certain size).
Now supports virtual directories, local forums and forums with domain-forwarding.
UploadPic can be made to work with the Junior Admin MOD, the Knowledge Base, easyCMS and the Quick Reply MOD.